How to Connect with the Coach Who Can Help You Crush all of Your Goals

A Life Coach is a Professional who can help you meet the goals you have set for your life. This is a Professional who will connect with you in person or virtually to provide you with tools & solutions that will help you in your current & future situations. Your Life Coach will be someone who has insight & experience in the area that you are wishing to plow through. This insight could have been developed through personal experience, training; or both.

Do you need a Life Coach or Counselor?
No. You actually don't.
You can:
Work through your problems on your own
Spend time alone processing your feelings
Spend time alone developing an action plan
Call your friends and hope they answer the phone
Question if your friends really want to keep listening to your problems
Question if you really are handling the situation to the best of your ability
Try to be your own support system

Do you want a Life Coach?
With a Life Coach you will know you are connected and supported every step of the way!
"A Life Coach is like the best friend you never knew you needed!" -(Happy Client)
Tip #1 - How to Connect with your Coach
Determine what type of coach you need. Searching for a "Life Coach" on Google or under a hashtag on social media is a great place to start. You will be able to connect with a professional who is near or far & can help you with a wide range of concerns/goals.
You need to think about what you are needing specifically. This should be the professional that you desire to connect with. Their professional title may also identify how they can specifically help you.
For example, in my Practice, I am a Holistic Nurse, Life Purpose Coach, & Spiritual Counselor. Clients connect with me who are looking to grow & connect with the deeper meaning of life. My clients understand that life is more than today & they desire to connect with their Higher Self. Together, we work to help them manifest positivity in their lives. They align with their purpose and live more fulfilling lives.
With each session, we develop solutions to help them raise their vibration to stay in an elevated space and VIBE HIGHER. When you vibe higher, you can stay above negativity and grab hold of everything that is higher in life. Vibing higher is what smiles are made of and what living is all about!
Tip #2 - How to Know You Have Found Your Coach
So, you have searched on Google and/or Social Media and you have your eye set on the perfect coach! How do you know this is truly the coach for you? You should be able to know right away if you connect on a deeper level with this professional.
Scroll through the information that he/she provides on their social media account.
Does it resonate with you?
Do you find yourself saying, "Yes!" or "That makes so much sense" or "I resonate with this"?
Do you find yourself scrolling on this Coach's page, reading, no matter how long the posts?
Do you feel like you are receiving a lot of valuable information from their content?
Do you tend to go to their page to see what they have posted for the day?
Do you find yourself saying, "Wow! This really helped me?"
Do you find yourself sharing posts created by this professional to explain to your family & friends how you feel/what you are going through?
Tip #3 - How do I get a session with my coach?
Your coach should have a website and a way to book a session on that website. You should also be able to view your coach's calendar/availability and choose the session that works best for you. However, some coaches have a consultation appointment in which they would like to speak to you first before you book an appointment.
As long as you feel your coach is professional & knowledgeable, it is a go.
Tip #4 - How do I prepare for my first session?
Just relax and be open. Sessions at our office are Life Purpose Coaching Sessions & Spiritual Counseling so they are exciting and liberating. Depending on the package that you choose, you may also have a Crystal Reiki Session immediately after the Coaching/Counseling session. This combination allows you to be cleansed of any residual emotions & heavy energy. You will leave your session inspired and lighter; ready to manifest even greater!
Tip #5 - How do I get the most out of my sessions?
Do not be ashamed about having a coach! A coach is certainly a resource that you want in your life. You have had so many ideas in your head that you wanted to share with someone, but no one understood. You have had some issues at work that your friends felt were no big deal. You have had some times where you felt like you were crazy and were trying to create the impossible.
During those times, you had no one to really take the time to listen, provide you with tools, and help you reach your goals. Now you do! Because you have decide to take that brave step & connect with your coach!
I promise you have just connected with your favoritist person in the world!

I am here to support you all the way. Many times we know our purpose, we just don't know how to do it full-time. Come on. Let's work!

Author & your Holistic Nurse: LaDeidra N. Wooten, BSN, RN, CCM, LMT
LaDeidra N. Wooten is a Registered Nurse, Certified Nurse Case Manager, Life Purpose Coach, Spiritual Counselor, and Intuitive Energy Healer. She practices/teaches Reiki, Healing Touch & other holistic healing modalities.
She is dedicated to healing work and ready to help you! With over 52K combined followers on social media, she has been instrumental in helping thousands look within & embrace their Divine Light.