You are SO very wrong! 😡
We struggle alone, because we choose to sit down in a space where we feel alone.
It is impossible that NO ONE has gone through what you have gone through.
It is impossible that NO ONE has made it to the other side of a struggle like yours.
It is impossible that NO ONE can provide some assistance.
When you continuously say, "but it's not the same. You'll never get it!" if someone tries to help, it is because you are not ready for anyone to "get it" and that is ok.
n due time.
When YOU are ready, your ears will hear what you need to hear. Your eyes will see what you need to see & you will connect with who you need to connect with.
We are ONE body. No one is directly in your shoes, but SOMEONE can always help. 🙏🏾
💥Nurse Dei-ism: When you're ready, grab that hand that's extended to you.
It's not a blurry shadow that doesn't understand.
Wipe your tears & see that it is help. 🙏🏾
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