The majority of issues in relationships & friendships are caused by poor communication.
If you don't have an example of what poor communication looks like, look at social media.
On social media, we often respond with:
🔴 Emotion
🔴 Without reading or listening to the whole topic
🔴 Without taking the time to process the information
🔴 Without taking the time to be mindful with our response.
Basically, on social media, a lot of times we do not think before we speak.
Examine your communication with others.
🤔Do you listen in your relationships?
🤔Do you respond reactively or do you respond mindfully?
🤔 Do you take the time to process what has been said to you before reacting?
Communication is key to relationships that reciprocate love & appreciation.
‼️Did you know if you have poor communication skills your throat chakra is likely blocked?
Not speaking your needs clearly & Poor listening skills are both throat chakra issues.
💥Nurse Dei-ism: Basically a loud mouth has throat chakra issues.
And a quiet mouth has throat chakra issues. 😉
Learn more at
‼️Appointments for chakra healing, aura cleansing, blockages etc. available virtually & In person.