Our Sickle Cell Warriors NEED us!
Thank you for coming out this evening.
It was an honor to be a part of this forum.
🔴When they say they are in pain, they are really in pain.
🔴When they say they can't make it, they really can't make it.
🔴When they say they can't walk, they really can't walk.
🔴When they need a shoulder to cry on, be that shoulder.
We will never understand what it is like to cope with this chronic illness.
BUT, what we can do is make sure that this disease gets a high level of treatment as every other disease process.

Sickle Cell Disease is just as important, if not more important, as other diseases that we rally together for, such as breast cancer, Autism, and heart disease.
Grab a friend and go to a walk. Grab a friend and volunteer. Grab a friend and educate yourselves on how our community NEEDS us.
"Holistic" means understanding how a disease process can affect one physically, mentally, & spiritually & providing the tools that are needed to deal with the effects on all of these levels.
Physically: Pain, decreased mobility, fatigue
Mentally: sadness, hopelessness, anxiousness, depressed moods,
Spiritually: Questioning why they were made this way and what is their purpose while managing this chronic illness.
When we look at Sickle Cell Disease holistically, we understand that we need to do more than treat their pain. We need to rally around them and provide support. We need to lift them up! They need us to stand in the gap and make sure they feel heard, connected, and cared for.
💥Nurse Dei-ism: This disease affects brown people more than any other group. Are you brown? Do you love someone who is brown?
Well, you CAN help!
It's time to learn how to help your brown brothers and sisters who need us.
And nah, we are not just offering a smoke. 😉 We are REALLY helping.
The more we stand in like "yeah, nah, you ain't gone treat a person with Sickle Cell Disease like it's just a lil stub of the toe. You are going to take this disease seriously" the more they will get the help that they truly need and deserve.
We are ONE & we love y'all. If somebody ain't treating you right in that hospital, call me. I'll pull up! 💪🏾👊🏾🤭😁 #thatsonmaryandjackandjill